We Empower Tribes to Take Back Control of Their Group Health Plans
“Growing up on the Reservation, I saw our people without the essential healthcare they needed. Tribal Nations Health is bringing sovereignty, transparency and affordability to group health plans.”
Mo Brings Plenty
Co-Founder / President

We Offer Real Solutions Designed for Tribes and Tribal Employers Who Desire to Provide Excellence to Tribal Members and Employees Through:
- Health & Wellness Benefits
- Complete TPA Services
- Custom Medical Networks
- Concierge-level Member-centric Services
- Multiple-Cost Control & Repricing Services
- Retirement Benefits
- Government Contractor Compliance
- Benefits Recordkeeping
- 340 B Drug Pricing Program Assistance
- Medicare-like pricing
- Workforce Mangement Services
- Payroll Management
- Technology Services & Development
- Fully Customizable Plan Services
- Integration with Existing Health Programs
- Data Sovereignty (Tribes & Tribally Owned Corporations and Nonprofits Own Their Data)
- Custom Specialty Drug Pricing
- 638 Health Clinic Support

Tribal Nations Health is a company guided by shared values. Those values lead our interactions with each and every one of our clients and prospective clients. Our values are at the core of who we are, where we are from, and how we choose to live.





Tribal Nations Health
Our Business Processes and Practices Align and Compliment the Unique Characteristics of Tribes, Tribal Enterprises and Tribal Nonprofits. Our Health and Retirement Plans are Structured to Accommodate:
• Tribal Leaders
• Tribal Members
• Employees of Tribal Run Businesses
• Alaska Native Corporations
• Native Hawaiian Community (NHC)
80% of Our Leadership Team are Enrolled Tribal Members
Tribal Nations Health is a company whose leadership has deep roots in Indian Country. Our Co-Founder, Mo Brings Plenty is much more than a celebrity, he is a spiritual leader with a sharp vision of what he wants to see happen in Tribal communities regarding healthcare. Our other Co-Founder, James Jordan, founder of Archer Jordan Health, has a long family history of community service and giving back. Together they are equally committed to the health and wellbeing of Indian Country.
Stronger through Community

We partner with the biggest names in the self-funding world to deliver value to our clients. Our community is dedicated to caring for your community.

Traditional Group Health Marketplace
The truth about the healthcare marketplace today is the BUCAH’s, (Blue Cross/Shield, United Healthcare, Cigna, Aetna, and Humana) publicly traded insurance carriers not aligned with your needs, and the largest Brokerage Firms, have rigged the healthcare system to serve themselves. Even the largest corporations rarely outmaneuver them.

The Value Based Pricing Model
(Pay a Fair Price For the Services You Need)
Did you know hospitals have a charge master that lists every possible service provided? The pricing starts at around 300% of Medicare. Value based pricing make sure each claim on your group is adjudicated and negotiated at or near Medicare rates. It’s a community model approach to the never-ending rate increases, dramatically lowering premiums.
HR Consulting Services
for Tribal Nations
• Compensation Studies & Strategic Support
• HR Support & Compliance
• Organizational Development & Culture: Initatives & Assessments
• Performance Management & HR Process Improvement
• Self-Governance & Self-Determination Transition Support
A Better Way Forward
Member-Centric Care. Greater ROI. Data Sovereignty
Our Commitment to Indian Country
Of our principals / shareholders are AI/AN
AI/AN members, shareholders and their employees supported by our strategic partners
Annual gross revenue invested in our foundation and distributed to AI/AN run non-profits
We Stand True to Who We Are to Better Serve You
Indian Country is diverse in geography, population density, Tribal and business needs. Tribal Nations Health (TNH) is prepared to help you find solutions to your challenges. Our deep-rooted history and values have positioned us to navigate regulatory intricacies, unlock cost savings, and invest resources into your communities. We understand deeply that unique markets and cultures have different needs and wants, which are inadequately addressed by the costly one-size-fits-all health & welfare benefits plans the national carriers and brokerage houses prescribe.
When our co-founders, Mo Brings Plenty and James Jordan originally discussed their shared vision for TNH, and bringing radical change to healthcare delivery for AI/AN Tribes and businesses, it was never a question that addressing healthcare for Tribal Members along with healthcare for Tribal employees was the over-arching goal. We believe we have the first step to that solution today!